The Lottery-To-Bankruptcy Pipeline
More money, more problems- there’s a reason many lottery winners use trusts or wear masks to collect their prizes. But the subject of many people’s fantasies can become a curse. Surprisingly, bankruptcy winners are more likely than the average person to declare bankruptcy. There are plenty of ways a sudden [...]
Why People in Arizona Go Bankrupt
Signs in Your Life That You May Want to Consider Filing for Bankruptcy Protection in Arizona Life can sometimes feel overwhelming, especially when it comes to managing financial struggles. For many, there may come a point when their debts and expenses become too much to bear, leading them to [...]
Financial New Year’s Resolutions From An Arizona Bankruptcy Firm
As 2024 draws to a close, many families in Arizona and across the country find themselves in a worse situation financially than this time a few years ago, or even just last year. Much of this has to do with factors outside of our control, like rising costs and market [...]
Can Casino Markers Be Discharged?
Casino Markers and Filing Bankruptcy in Arizona Bankruptcy is a complex financial process that provides individuals and businesses a way to eliminate or restructure overwhelming debt. For Arizona residents dealing with high levels of debt, bankruptcy can offer a path toward financial relief and a fresh start. [...]
Bankruptcy and Divorce in Phoenix: Managing Financial Challenges
Bankruptcy and Divorce in Phoenix: Managing Financial Challenges When facing the life-altering events of bankruptcy and divorce simultaneously, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the emotional and financial challenges. Unfortunately, these two often go hand in hand, and the stress of dealing with both can seem insurmountable. [...]
Arizona Bankruptcy Trustees & Their Role In Your Debt Relief
When someone files for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, they are taking a step toward financial relief by liquidating their assets to pay off creditors. The process involves multiple players, but one of the most critical figures is the bankruptcy trustee. The trustee serves as a neutral party who oversees the case, [...]
How Long Does Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Take from Filing to Discharge? A Step-by-Step Timeline
Filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy can be a daunting process, but understanding the timeline and the steps involved can help you navigate this journey more confidently. Arizona Bankruptcy Attorney Alison Briggs at Atlas Law, LLC aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the Chapter 7 bankruptcy process in Arizona, detailing each [...]
A Beginner’s Guide To Bankruptcy: Making Sure You Qualify To File In Nevada
A Beginner’s Guide To Bankruptcy: Making Sure You Qualify To File In Nevada Bankruptcy is a powerful tool that allows consumers to gain control of their financial situations by clearing or reorganizing debts. Debtors can use chapter 7 or chapter 13 to protect their assets from creditors while debts are [...]
Considering Bankruptcy Before Having a Baby: A Guide for Arizona Residents
Preparing for the arrival of a new baby is an exciting yet stressful time, especially if you're grappling with financial difficulties. Many expectant parents worry about managing medical expenses and other debts while trying to provide a stable environment for their newborn. In such situations, filing for bankruptcy may [...]
Who Will Know if I File for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 Bankruptcy in Arizona?
Filing for bankruptcy is a significant decision that can have far-reaching consequences for your financial life. If you are considering filing for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy in Arizona, you might be concerned about who will find out about your bankruptcy filing. Understanding the differences between Chapter 7 [...]
Can Filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in Tempe or Chandler, Arizona Stop an HOA Foreclosure Sale?
Homeowners’ associations (HOAs) play a significant role in maintaining the quality and standards of residential communities in Tempe and Chandler, Arizona. However, when homeowners fall behind on their HOA dues, the consequences can be severe, including the possibility of a foreclosure sale. Many homeowners in this situation wonder if [...]
Step-by-Step Guide to Filing for Bankruptcy
Filing for bankruptcy with the assistance of an experienced bankruptcy attorney can streamline the process, ensure legal compliance, and maximize the benefits of bankruptcy relief. By partnering with an attorney who is knowledgeable and experienced in Arizona bankruptcy law, you can navigate the complexities of bankruptcy law with confidence [...]